The U.S. National Science Foundation Accounting Operations Branch coordinates NSF's quarterly financial reporting and maintains general ledger accounts and balances.
Financial Reporting and Analysis
- Coordinates the quarterly closing and financial reporting process.
- Performs NSF's external financial reporting, including financial statements and notes, intragovernmental reporting, the Government-wide Treasury Account Symbol Adjusted Trial Balance System (GTAS), the Treasury Report on Receivables and Debt Collection Activities (TROR) and annual cross-servicing certification.
Accounting Operations and Analysis
- Manages ledger accounts and balances, accounts receivable, intragovernmental transactions, and accounting for NSF's reimbursable agreements.
- Classifies and records cash receipts.
- Processes Intergovernmental Payments and Collections (IPACs).
Contact us
Questions about interagency agreements and reporting or IPAC should be directed to
Questions about funds transfers and similar transactions should be directed to