CREST PRP Technical Assistance Events for Submitting a Postdoctoral Fellowship Proposal

The CREST-PRP provides two years of support for postdoctoral scholars to work with a currently funded CREST center to further their research and professional growth. 

The next deadline for postdoctoral candidates to submit a CREST-PRP proposal is February 28, 2025. 

To be eligible for consideration for funding, CREST PRP proposals should be prepared as specifically outlined in the CREST PRP solicitation, NSF#23-555. 

Potential PIs are urged to attend the technical assistance events listed below to better understand the program and how to prepare and submit an appropriate proposal. 

  1. CREST PRP webinar for potential PIs – Meet with the CREST PRP Program Officer for an informational webinar and Q&A about program specifics, proposal preparation requirements, and submission details 
  1. CREST PRP Office Hours – Three opportunities to talk one-on-one with the CREST PRP Program Officer about proposal preparation: 

Questions? Please contact the CREST-PRP lead program officer, Regina Sievert, via email at