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Dear Colleague Letter

NSF Survey of Object-Based Scientific Collections

Dear Colleague:

The National Science Foundation invites you to participate in an important project concerning the nation's research infrastructure.

In 2005, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy identified "object-based scientific collections" as vital resources for research (OSTP Memorandum). As a result, the National Science Foundation (NSF) is undertaking a systematic documentation of the condition of object-based scientific collections supported by the Foundation. The NSF Survey of Object- Based Scientific Collections includes all organizations that have at some time received NSF funding to construct or maintain such collections. This NSF survey complements a separate survey of federal agencies that maintain such collections. Reports are planned summarizing the results of both surveys.

Your institution is one of nearly 150 that we are asking to participate in the survey. While your participation is voluntary, because each institution's collections are a unique contribution to this scientific resource, your participation is extremely important to the success of this project. There are no penalties for not participating in the study now or in the future and a decision to not participate will not affect current or future funding from NSF. Please be assured that responses will be kept confidential to the extent provided by law, and results will only be reported in the aggregate in any analyses. The information that you provide will be invaluable to the National Science Foundation and to the White House as we work together to establish priorities for strengthening this important resource.

Abt Associates, Inc. is administering the survey on-line. The Science and Technology Policy Institute (STPI) will analyze the survey data. Only these organizations and NSF staff for this particular project will have access to your data.

Further information and instructions for completing this web-based survey will be sent to you shortly by Dr. Judith Skog, Director, Division of Biological Infrastructure (BIO/DBI).

We thank you in advance for taking the time to support this project for the benefit of the research community.

If you have any questions now or when you receive the email, please don't hesitate to contact Dr. Richard McCourt at

Kathie L. Olsen
Deputy Director

cc: NSF grantee at the institution