Science and Engineering Infrastructure for the 21st Century: The Role of the National Science Foundation
The National Science Board (NSB) solicits your comments on its draft report, Science and Engineering Infrastructure for the 21st Century: the role of the National Science Foundation. This report is based on a study conducted by the NSB Task Force on Science and Engineering Infrastructure (INF). It aims to inform the national dialogue on the current state and future direction of the science and engineering (S&E) infrastructure, highlighting the role of the National Science Foundation (NSF) as well as the larger resource and management strategies of interest to Federal policymakers. The report makes a number of recommendations concerning the support of S&E infrastructure at NSF and the planning and management of S&E infrastructure resources across the Federal government.
The views of the S&E community are very important to this study, and will be reflected in the final report. Please submit your comments to the INF's Executive Secretary, Paul Herer, by January 9, 2003. Comments please send email to:
Thank you for your interest in this important study.
John A. White
Chancellor, University of Arkansas
Chair, NSB Task Force on S&E Infrastructure