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REU Site: Fall Semester Student Research in Oceanography and Marine Science at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences

Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences
Education Department

This REU program is conducted during the FALL SEMESTER and takes place entirely at BIOS in Bermuda. Online applications are due by May 31 each year.

Topics: oceanography, marine science, coral reef ecology, atmospheric science, biology, biochemistry, molecular biology, chemistry, physics, geology, ecology
Audrey Pope
(441) 297-1880
Dr. Andrew Peters
(441) 297-1880

REU at Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences

Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences

The application website usually opens in January with due dates in mid-February.

Topics: Oceanography, marine biology, climate research, microbiology, virology, sensory biology, invertebrate ecology, invertebrate biology,
Dr. David Fields
(207) 315-2567
Valerie Young
(207) 315-2567

REU Site: Renewable Energy Generation and Storage

Binghamton University
Binghamton, NY

Join an interdisciplinary team of scientists and engineers in state of the art facilities at Binghamton University for a hands-on summer research and professional development experience. This REU program addresses scientific, technological, and training needs in the energy sector with research opportunities ranging from battery materials to photovoltaics and energy efficient systems.

Application due:
Start date:
Topics: Energy generation, energy storage, energy materials, solar cells, batteries, mechanical energy harvesting, heat transfer, fuel cells, experiment, modeling, interdisciplinary, industry collaboration
Jeffrey Mativetsky
(607) 777-4352

REU Site: Integrated Nanomanufacturing

Boston University
Boston, MA
Application due:
Start date:
Topics: Nanotechnology, systems, devices, materials, biomedical, mechanical, electrical, electronics, circuits, advanced manufacturing, optics, photonics, imaging, bioimaging, robotics, tissue engineering, chips, semiconductors
Xin Zhang, PI
Brenda Hugot

Integrated Nanomanufacturing

Boston University
Photonics Center
Boston, MA
Topics: nanomaterials, nanotechnology, microelectronic, sensors, biomedical engineering, medical diagnostics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, optics, photonics, materials science
Xin Zhang
(617) 358-2702
Brenda Hugot
(617) 353-1910