Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) Supplemental Funding for Community College Research Teams
The Division of Industrial Innovation (IIP) – Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) program of the Directorate for Engineering (ENG) in collaboration with the Division of Human Resource Development (HRD) and the Division of Undergraduate Education (EHR/DUE) - Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Program – of the Directorate for Education and Human Resources invites all active SBIR/STTR Phase II grantees to participate in a new supplemental funding opportunity.
Deadline Dates. Supplemental requests must be received by the 2nd Wednesday of April in order to assure availability of funding for activities that start in the summer of 2008. SBIR/STTR grants must be active through the period of the supplement award.
This new supplemental funding opportunity encourages partnerships between community colleges (CCs) and the small business community to form research teams. Through this partnership, which is designed to educate large numbers of underrepresented students, NSF is also seeking to increase the participation of underrepresented groups in both academic and small business research by encouraging careers in science and engineering for students who participate.
Through this supplemental opportunity small businesses will gain access to faculty and students capable of contributing to the scientific research conducted by the small business while faculty and students will gain experience by working on research projects that lead to commercial products and processes. It is anticipated that these research collaborations will lead to continued partnerships between academic institutions and small business firms, which represent the largest employer of scientists and engineers in the United States.
The Small Business Community College Research Teams Supplement (henceforth referred to as SBIR/STTR Phase IICC) will award research supplements to existing SBIR/STTR Phase II grantees that are able to host a research team from a community college (CC). This supplement opportunity is intended to further SBIR/STTR Phase II research and facilitate progress toward grant goals while providing a substantial scientific research experience for the CC research team.
Community Colleges (CC): Colleges that typically offer programs and courses that are designed to lead to an associate degree, a certificate, or a diploma or transfer to a baccalaureate degree granting institution. Community colleges also offer developmental courses for adults who are under-prepared for college work as well as dual enrollment and advanced courses for high school students. Some community colleges may offer a few baccalaureate programs, but their primary emphasis is on the first two years of college work. Some four year institutions have two year programs or branches.
CC Research Teams: Must consist of at least one CC STEM faculty member and at least one CC student. (Teams with additional students or faculty are highly encouraged if supported within the standard award amount.)
Faculty at community colleges interested in identifying SBIR/STTR Phase II grantees should consult the NSF interactive award search system ( In the text box labeled Search Award for enter “SBIR Phase II” or “STTR Phase II” and check the box Active Awards Only.
SBIR Phase II grantees: Grantees interested in identifying potential community college research partners can visit the following two links to obtain names of qualified colleges.
- List of Minority Serving Community Colleges
Organization Limit: Only currently funded SBIR/STTR Phase II grantees are eligible to submit proposals for supplemental funding under this initiative.
PI Eligibility Limit: The Principal Investigator must be the PI of an active SBIR/STTR Phase II award.
Limit on Number of Proposals: None
- Awards will be made as supplements to active SBIR/STTR Phase II awards;
- The maximum supplemental award amount is $40,000;
- A minimum of 75% of the supplement is required to be used as a sub-award to the community college;
- A maximum of 25% of the supplement is available to the SBIR/STTR firm (including overhead);
- Thirty (30) awards are anticipated in Fiscal Year 2008; and
- Awards are subject to the availability of funds.
Proposal Preparation Instructions. Proposals must be submitted via FastLane according to the instructions for submitting supplemental funding requests found on the SBIR/STTR home page under Supplemental Opportunities/Phase IICC Information/Instructions (
Budgetary Information. Budgets for SBIR/STTR Phase IICC supplemental proposals may not exceed$40,000. 75% is required to be used as a sub-award to the community college and 25% for the SBIR/STTR firm including overhead. It is expected that $1,200,000 will be available in Fiscal Year 2008 for this supplemental funding, pending availability of funds.
Deadline Dates. Supplemental requests must be received by April 6th, 2008 in order to assure availability of funding for activities that start in the summer of 2008. SBIR/STTR grants must be active through the period of the supplement award.
Proposals for supplemental funding submitted in response to this Dear Colleague Letter will be jointly reviewed by National Science Foundation program officers in the Office of Industrial Innovation, Directorate for Engineering and the Division of Human Resource Development or the Divisions of Undergraduate Education and Research on Learning, Directorate for Education and Human Resources.
Questions about this letter should be directed to Juan E. Figueroa (703-292-7054, Office of Industrial Innovation, Directorate for Engineering, or Marilyn J. Suiter (703-292-5121, Division of Human Resource Development, or Gerhard L. Salinger (703) 292-5116, Advanced Technological Education program, Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (EHR/DRL).
All active SBIR/STTR Phase II grantees are invited to participate in two other supplement opportunities; 1) Research Assistantships for High School Students (RAHSS) and 2) Supplemental Funding for Diversity Collaborations. Both of these opportunities can be found at under Supplemental Opportunities ( Through these initiatives, NSF seeks to broaden participation in science and engineering, particularly women, underrepresented minorities, and persons with disabilities in academic and small business research.
Kesh Narayanan
Division Director
Industrial Innovation and Partnership
Victor Santiago
Division Director (Acting)
Division Of Human Resource Development (HRD/EHR)
Linda Slakey
Division Director
Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE/EHR)
Joan Ferrini-Mundy
Division Director
Division of Research On Learning In Formal And Informal Settings (EHR/DRL)