Zika Virus
February 9, 2016
Dear Colleagues:
The Ecology & Evolution of Infectious Disease (EEID) program in the Division of Environmental Biology seeks to develop and test predictive models and to discover the principles governing the transmission dynamics of infectious disease agents.
The purpose of this Dear Colleague Letter is to announce that the EEID program is interested in receiving proposals relevant to the ongoing spread of the Zika virus. Proposals may be submitted through one of two routes: as a submission to the annual call for EEID proposals (https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5269&org=DEB&from=home) or as a RAPID proposal (see Grant Proposal Guide, Chapter II.D.1).
We are particularly interested in proposals that address the ecological transmission dynamics of Zika virus. Questions may include, but are not limited to: What is the frequency and spatial distribution of Zika virus in insect vectors? What is the rate at which Zika virus is transmitted between vectors and humans? What is the rate at which Zika virus is spreading on a regional to continental scale and can this be modeled and predicted? Which species are vectors/carriers of Zika virus? Which non-human species are hosts of Zika virus and in what frequency and spatial distribution? Can mathematical models of Zika virus transmission dynamics and spatial spread of Zika virus be developed that incorporate the effects of vector control methods?
Before submission of a RAPID proposal, you should send a one-page summary of the research project to zika@nsf.gov. That summary should include a statement of how the results of this research would be used to affect management of, or policies concerning, the spread of Zika virus WITHIN THE NEXT 12 MONTHS. Projects with a more extended time line should be submitted to the next EEID deadline.
Proposals that deal with disease etiology, pathophysiology, transmission from mother to fetus, transmission through sexual contact, development of diagnostics, or development of vaccines are not appropriate for submission to the EEID program. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease has also published a notice of interest concerning research on Zika virus: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-AI-16-026.html. Proposals on these topics, as well as the others addressed in their notice, should be directed to that agency.