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Important Notice

Effect of a Long-term Continuing Resolution on NSF Programs

Dear Colleagues:

Most Federal agencies, including the National Science Foundation (NSF), are operating under a Continuing Resolution (CR) through February 15, 2007. Under the terms of this current CR, NSF is being funded at the FY 2006 level, roughly $400 million below the Administration’s FY 2007 request.

The outlook for the remainder of the fiscal year remains highly uncertain, with one possibility being an extension of funding at the current level. While we are acutely aware of the tight constraints on the available budgetary resources, NSF is continuing to issue program announcements and solicitations as previously planned.

It is likely, however, that NSF may be unable to fund a number of activities planned for this fiscal year. We believe it is important for NSF’s grantee community to be aware of this uncertainty, as a number of activities may be affected later in the fiscal year.

We will do our best to keep the science, engineering, and education communities informed of budget developments, and will continue our efforts to minimize any negative impacts to our nation’s scientific capability and economic competitiveness.


Arden L. Bement, Jr.