Laser on Gemini North Telescope undergoes rigorous testing

Research Infrastructure Office (BFA/RIO)

Research Infrastructure Office (BFA/RIO)

The Research Infrastructure Office (RIO) supports agency oversight of Major Facilities and Mid-scale Research Infrastructure (RI) funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation.

In accordance with statute, the office:

  • Serves as the agency's primary resource for all policies and procedures related to the development and implementation of Major Facilities and Mid-scale RI.
  • Provides expert assistance on the nonscientific aspects of project planning, management, budgeting and oversight.
  • Collaborates with NSF's research directorates to share good practices and lessons learned.
  • Assesses construction projects for cost and schedule risk.

RIO is positioned within the NSF Office of Budget, Finance and Award Management. The head of RIO works closely with NSF's chief officer for research facilities, who is ultimately responsible for full life-cycle oversight of Major Facilities across the agency.


Matthew J. Hawkins

Office Head 

Contact us

If you have questions about research infrastructure guidance or upcoming RIO-hosted events, please email