Federal Temporary Appointments

Federal Temporary appointments are considered as Administratively Determined (AD) appointments. Individuals appointed to a Federal Temporary appointment do not require an affiliation with an institution.  All appointees must be a US citizen or an individual lawfully admitted for permanent residence and is pursuing U.S. citizenship. In order to be considered for federal appointments, Non-Citizens must affirm that they meet the Appropriations Law eligibility criteria by signing and attaching this Citizenship Affidavit to their application. Non-Citizens who do not provide the affidavit at the time of application will not be considered. Non-Citizens who are exempt from the Appropriations Law requirements due to their status as officers or employees of the U.S. government on December 16, 2009 must provide with their application a statement noting their exemption and proof of status their U.S. government employee or officer status. The Division of Human Resource Management (HRM) will determine eligibility for non-citizens.

Appointments are usually up to one year and may be extended up to an additional two years by mutual agreement between NSF and the appointee. AD-1 appointments are limited to two years total.

Salary is set within a range for "Administratively Determined (AD)" level positions, using pre-established criteria. Salary is based on AD Level and qualifications for the subject position. The total salary cap is top of the AD level of position to which appointed.  AD salary adjustments are based on the annual federal pay increases. 

For AD-2 through AD-4, salary setting based on annualized salary, average of last two years of lost consulting (if applicable), COLA, 6% standard incentive, and locality pay. 

For AD-1, pay will be set either according to selectee’s current or most recent annualized salary if applicable OR according to the market value of the hiring office’s area of study.  The higher of the two salaries will be used as starting salary.

Supplemental Pay
If the basic salary calculation is below the minimum rate of pay for the federal position, the salary is raised to the minimum federal rate of pay for that position. This income is included as part of the NSF base pay which will be reflected on W-2 forms.

NSF may provide compensation for lost consulting income. Payments, which are administered by NSF, are based on an average of the consulting income during the last two years (supported by tax records). No consulting may be conducted if payment is received for lost consulting activities. This income is included as part of the NSF base pay and will be reflected on W-2 forms. Any decision to continue consulting activities while at NSF MUST be discussed with an Ethics Counselor in the NSF's Office of the General Counsel.

  • Not applicable for Per Diem Allowance as IPA/VSEE Programs.
  • Personal travel to NSF at the beginning of appointment. Ineligible for return travel (except experts/consultants).
  • Eligible to receive metro subsidy for transportation to and from work.
  • Eligible for one-way HHG move.  May receive travel per diem only.
  • Family is eligible for transportation expenses to NSF if HHG move is elected.
  • Only employee (not family) receives travel per diem in connection with HHG move regulations.

Appointment eligible for Federal Benefits based on initial appointment length

Federal Temporary appointees are responsible for adhering to the policies and procedures governing the administration of leave for federal employees.

The IRS has ruled that under the new tax law, regardless of length of assignment, expenses listed above are NOT deductible. NSF recommends that tax implications be discussed with a CPA or other tax advisor.

The Independent Research/Development (IR/D) Program permits individuals with approved IR/D plans, serving on Federal Temporary appointments, to maintain their involvement with their professional research.