About the series
The 18th annual NSF Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) National Conference, entitled "EPSCoR 2006 and Beyond: Strategies to Sustain Scientific Success" was held September 25-29, 2005 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The conference examined the multiple ways in which EPSCoR states interact with the broader community. The three-day conference brought together representatives from national and state government, academia, and private industry and emphasize regional alliances, partnerships and collaborative activities between these sectors. The Experimental Program To Stimulate Competitive Research is a program designed to fulfill the National Science Foundation's (NSF) mandate to promote scientific progress nationwide.
Presentations by the EPSCoR Office Head, Dr. Sherry Farwell and the keynote address by Mr. Erich Bloch can be found below, as well as on the Conference Website.