Abstract collage of overlapping, bright-colored glowing circles
Event ended Conferences and workshops

2022 NSF Day in Starkville, Mississippi

About this event

The NSF Days series is a one-day event which aims to engage a region to establish and foster relationships with the U.S. National Science Foundation and the research community, inform researchers about agency funding opportunities, increase the diversity of the STEM community, and have a two-way dialogue with the community about STEM research. The series has been going on for over 25 years. NSF paused NSF Days during the height of the pandemic and is relaunching them this year as a hybrid event.

Mississippi State University serves as the host for the fall 2022 NSF Day in Starkville, Mississippi on November 21, 2022. NSF and MSU welcome all Mississippi researchers and students interested in learning more about the agency and opportunities to register. Participants can attend sessions dedicated to NSF's proposal and merit review process, the new Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships, Office of Integrative Activities opportunities, and a session featuring NSF-funded researchers sharing their research journeys. One or more NSF program directors from each research area will be available for one-on-one conversations with relevant program staff during breakout sessions.

There is no registration fee for this NSF Day; however, preregistration is required. Please email Teresa Gammill for more information.

Related agencies

  • Mississippi State University