Abstract collage of overlapping, bright-colored glowing circles
Event ended Conferences and workshops

Bridges to the Future Webcast Conference

About this event

This webcast discussion will explore the best ideas for improving American infrastructure and building a better, safer future. The panels and panelists:

The Smart Grid       12:30 p.m. ET
Second-by-second information sharing among households, utilities and even individual appliances may revolutionize the grids that distribute electricity throughout the country. Panelists will explore how to make the grid more resilient and nimble, saving energy and forestalling blackouts.

  • Roger N. Anderson, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
  • Anjan Bose, Washington State University
  • Arthur Kressner, Director of Research and Development, Power Supply, at the Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc.
  • James A. Momoh, Howard University

Water in 2025        2:30 p.m. ET
Over the next generation, water supplies in the United States will face increasing pressure. Panelists will lay out the challenges, which range from leaky municipal water systems to growing populations, and explore technology to ensure that fresh water remains safe and plentiful.

  • Mark Edwards, Virginia Tech
  • Mark Houck, George Mason University
  • Patricia Mulroy, Southern Nevada Water Authority
  • Jerald Schnoor, University of Iowa
  • Daniel Sheer, Hydrologics, Inc.

Standing Strong       4:30 p.m. ET
It's been half a year since the I-35W bridge in Minneapolis collapsed. In that time, there has been fresh debate over how to fix America's bridges and roads. Panelists will discuss state-of-the-art building technology and how such ideas should be applied to dams, buildings, roads and more.

  • Linda Figg, Figg Engineering Group
  • Antonio Nanni, University of Miami
  • Matthew Realff, Georgia Tech
  • W.M. Kim Roddis, The George Washington University
  • Yang Wang, Georgia Tech

To view the webcast and for more information, visit www.nsf.gov/bridges on April 10, 2008