Abstract collage of overlapping, bright-colored glowing circles
Series ended Advisory group meetings

CCEP-II Panel Meeting

About the series


The purpose of this meeting is to provide advice and recommendations concerning proposals submitted to NSF for financial support and the agenda for each meeting is the review and evaluation of proposals. These meetings are closed because the proposals being reviewed include information of a proprietary or confidential nature, including:  technical information; financial data, such as salaries; and personal information concerning individuals associated with the proposals. These matters are exempt under 5 U.S.C. 552b(c),(4) and (6) of the Government in the Sunshine Act. Meetings will be held at the National Science Foundation in Arlington, VA.

Welcome to the CCE Program Review Panel Meeting

The Climate Change Education (CCE): Climate Change Education Partnership Phase II(CCEP-II) Program seeks to establish a coordinated national network of regionally- or thematically-based partnerships devoted to increasing the adoption of effective, high quality educational programs and resources related to the science of climate change and its impacts.

This meeting is convened for the purpose of discussing Climate Change Education (CCE): Climate Change Education Partnership Phase II (CCEP-II) Program proposals, submitted in response to CCE Solicitation NSF 12-523 with a March 21, 2012 deadline. The meeting will open with an orientation session at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, May 16, and will adjourn at approximately 2:00 p.m. on Friday, May 18.

Past events in this series