About the series
Dear CHREC member,
You are cordially invited to attend the CHREC 2008 Midyear Workshop.
This year, the workshop will be held June 3-4th, 2008, at the Provo Marriott Hotel in Provo Utah. A complete workshop website with information on workshop location, hotel reservations, travel directions, transportation links, and area attractions can be found at:
Rooms have been reserved ($109 for a single or double room, including breakfast) to accommodate those attending. Please call (801) 377-4700 to make your hotel reservations under the "CHREC Workshop" group name. The last day for the workshop room rate is May 1st, 2008. Government per diem rate is also available, but please notice that you will have to call Nancy Clayton, the Director of Sales and Marketing, at (801) 370-3522 to adjust your rate after you make your reservation with the hotel.
The workshop will consist of 2 days. On the first day, the workshop will be from 8am to 5pm. We will have dinner that night at the Museum of Art on the Brigham Young University campus and also have a museum tour for those who are interested, all starting at 6pm. On the second day, the workshop will be from 8am to 1pm, box lunch will be provided at the end of the workshop that day.
We will provide registered attendees with the materials and food during the workshop. Attendees are responsible for their own transportation and housing expenses. Attendees need to register for the workshop online so we know how many to plan for. Please go to:
to register. Please complete your registration prior to May 1st, 2008 so we know how many to plan for.
Our BYU site conference coordinator is Wilford Wong. Please feel free to email him at wilfordw@gmail.com if you have further question or need further assistance with the conference. Finally, http://www.chrec.org/ has links to the meeting pages as well in the members only area.
We look forward to seeing you in Provo in June!
Prof. Brent Nelson
CHREC-BYU Site Director
Brigham Young University