About this event
On Monday, April 11th, 1 – 2pm ET, DEB’s next Virtual Office Hour focused on Primarily Undergraduate Institutions (PUI). We discussed the challenges and opportunities that faculty at PUIs experience while navigating the unique NSF funding landscape. Representatives from each cluster in DEB were present. Upcoming DEB Virtual Office Hours are announced ahead of time on DEBrief, so we suggest you also sign up for blog notifications.
If you can’t make it to this or any future office hours, don’t worry! Come back to the blog afterwards, as we post recaps and the presentation slides of all office hour sessions. The slides will also be available on this webpage. Visit our Office Hours homepage for slideshows and recaps of past topics.
Virtual Office Hours are on the second Monday of every month from 1 – 2pm ET. Below is a list of upcoming dates and topics (subject to change). Be sure to add them to your calendars and register ahead of time.
Upcoming Office Hour Topics:
May 9: CAREER Solicitation
June 13: You’ve Been Awarded an NSF Grant, Now What?
July: No Virtual Office Hour
August 8: International Collaboration
September 12: Postdoc Research Fellowship
October 17: How to Write a Great Proposal
November 14: Opportunities for Research in Climate Change
December 12: Upcoming Solicitations