Abstract collage of overlapping, bright-colored glowing circles
Series ended Q&As and information sessions

EHR Townhall - Data Science in Education

About the series

Save the date: October 8, 2021 (10:00 am – 3:45 pm, EDT)

The National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) invites you to participate in a town hall meeting to stimulate a national conversation on the topic of Data Science in Education.  Each day, there is more accessible data than there was the day before, and a professional skillset is emerging to meet the needs of a dynamically growing industry.  This town hall meeting will explore Data Science and its impact across all levels of education from K-12 through higher education, including community colleges, minority serving institutions, and graduate institutions. 

With speakers and open discussions, we will explore:

  • Data Science research across disciplines and fields
  • Ethical practices and approaches to Data Science
  • Teaching and Learning Data Science
  • Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in a ‘Data Science for All’ movement

The outcomes of this meeting will include a white paper that will capture the themes from these topics which can be used to inform future work in the field.    

Participating in the Meeting:

The town hall will be conducted virtually via Zoom. Pre-registration is required for this event.

Please pre-register at: 


A Zoom meeting link and password will be sent to you after your registration is confirmed.

Hosted by all four EHR divisions: DGE, DRL, DUE, and HRD

Past events in this series