Abstract collage of overlapping, bright-colored glowing circles
Series ended

Engineering for Civil Infrastructure (ECI) Office Hours

About the series

The NSF Engineering for Civil Infrastructure (ECI) program is hosting virtual office hours for early career faculty planning to submit proposals to the Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) by the July 24, 2024, deadline. The ECI program is a core, unsolicited research program in the Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation, in the NSF Directorate for Engineering, and supports proposals submitted to CAREER.

Office hours are an opportunity to communicate with NSF program directors via videoconference and are designed as drop-in sessions for individuals who have questions about the CAREER or ECI programs or the process of preparing proposals. At each session, there will be a short opening presentation, followed by an open question and answer session.

Join the Office Hours 
No registration is needed. Join the ECI office hours at https://nsf.zoomgov.com/j/1605925131?pwd=eVZWUGNUeFp6QXVQUkJiNFlHNU0xUT09  

  • Meeting ID: 160 592 5131
  • Passcode: 398601

Past events in this series