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Event ended Q&As and information sessions

Engineering Research Center Planning Grants Webinar

About this event

UPDATE: Webinar slides and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for NSF 18-549, Planning Grants for Engineering Research Centers (ERC) are now available.

In conjunction with the release of the Planning Grants for Engineering Research Centers (ERC) solicitation (NSF 18-549), and to keep interested parties informed about new developments in the ERC program, program directors in the NSF Division of Engineering Education and Centers will conduct a live Q&A webinar focused on topics specific to this solicitation.

The webinar will begin at 1:00 PM Eastern on Monday, April 16. 

To register for the online event:

  1. Go to https://nsf.webex.com/nsf/onstage/g.php?MTID=e6be95025d47230ef93174084cf8d05d9  
  2. Click "Register"
  3. On the registration form, enter your information and then click "Submit"

Once the host approves your registration, you will receive a confirmation email message with instructions on how to join the event.