About the series
On Wednesday, April 22nd, from 1:00 to 2:30 pm Eastern time, the NSF Office of Emerging Frontiers and Multidisciplinary Activities (EFMA) will host a webinar to discuss the FY 2020 solicitation Engineering Research Visioning Alliance (ERVA): Future Research Directions for the Engineering Research Community (NSF 20-551).
During this webinar, potential proposers to the solicitation will be able to learn more about, and ask questions about, the Engineering Research Visioning Alliance solicitation.
UPDATE: View the ERVA webinar slides.
Participate in the ERVA webinar
1. To view the slide presentation, join the Zoom interface at: https://nsf.zoomgov.com/j/1612172357?pwd=Qm1pTWhXYWl0QUtYVmtzekk3RThDdz09.
Meeting ID: 161 217 2357
Event passcode: 052369
2. To obtain audio for the webinar, dial: Toll-Free 1-877-951-7311 or Toll 1-203-607-0666 and enter passcode: 2210121 (Audio will not be available through the Zoom interface.)
3. If joining by audio only, dial: Toll-Free 1-877-951-7311 or Toll 1-203-607-0666 and enter passcode: 2210121
4. To view real-time captions, go to: https://www.captionedtext.com/client/event.aspx?EventID=4384273&Customer... for event #4384273