About the series
PURPOSE OF MEETING: The Advisory Committee (AC) for the Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO) provides advice, recommendations, and oversight concerning major program emphases, directions, and goals for the research-related activities of the divisions that make up BIO.
AGENDA: Agenda items will include a directorate business update, update on BIO’s broadening participation portfolio, a joint session with the Mathematical and Physical Sciences Advisory Committee (MPS AC) to discuss the MPS AC subcommittee report on “MPS and the Living World”, update on Technology, Innovation and Partnerships, updates from the BIO AC liaisons to the Committee on Equal Opportunities in Science and Engineering and to the AC for Environmental Research and Education, discussion with the NSF Director, and discussion of BIO’s response to the Division of Biological Infrastructure Committee of Visitors report.
YouTube Livestream Links
- November 3rd: https://youtu.be/t8AS3lCGZjU
- November 4th: https://youtu.be/rsJuapNZuV0