Abstract collage of overlapping, bright-colored glowing circles
- Advisory group meetings

Fall 2024 Advisory Committee Meeting for the Directorate for Biological Sciences

About the series

Purpose of Meeting: The Advisory Committee (AC) for the Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO) provides advice, recommendations, and oversight concerning major program emphases, directions, and goals for the research-related activities of the divisions that make up BIO.

Links: The meeting will be live-streamed on YouTube for public viewing at the following links, additional links to break out groups are in the agenda.  

Day 1: https://youtube.com/live/p6tMy00TKeg?feature=share

Day 2: https://youtube.com/live/qlk5h1vQCrc?feature=share


Day 1                 September 17, 2024

9:00 AM             Members arrive and/or log on for virtual participation

9:15 AM             Pre-Meeting Annual Ethics Briefing for BIO AC Members

9:30 AM             Meeting Begins with Introductions, Agenda Review, and Logistics

9:45 AM             Update from BIO

10:30 AM           CASA-Bio (Catalyzing Across Sectors to Advance the Bioeconomy) Update

11:00 AM           Supporting Foundational Research to Prepare NSF and the BIO Research Community to Lead in Priority Research Areas - Resilient Planet, Bioeconomy, and BIO x Artificial Intelligence (AI) intersection

12:30 PM           Lunch Break (everyone finds their own outside of NSF)

2:00 PM             Intro for Breakout Group Discussions

2:10 PM             Transition to Breakout Rooms - One on each area, i.e., Resilient Planet, Bioeconomy, Bio x AI.

2:15 PM             Breakout Groups

Links for Breakout Group Discussions


YouTube: https://youtube.com/live/p6tMy00TKeg?feature=share

Resilient Planet

Zoom Link:  https://nsf.zoomgov.com/j/1614913903?pwd=UxQAc309csfT1TghB3LXW4abpxDIc5.1
Passcode: 508322 

Bio x AI

Zoom Link:  https://nsf.zoomgov.com/j/1602833361?pwd=WdWFhK6dhlcUibUwLANJmV06HkDvwG.1
Passcode: 190323

3:15 PM             Break

3:30 PM             Report out from Breakout Groups

4:15 PM             Preparation for Visit with the NSF Office of the Director (OD) Leadership

5:15 PM             Adjourn 


Day 2                 September 18, 2024

9:00 AM             Members arrive and/or log on for virtual participation

9:15 AM             Supporting Education and Training to Prepare the Workforce of the Future in Priority Research Areas

10:20 AM           Intro for Breakout Group Discussions

10:25 AM           Break for Transition to Breakout Rooms - One on each area, i.e., Resilient Planet, Bioeconomy, Bio x AI.

10:30 AM           Breakout Groups:

Links for Breakout Group Discussions


YouTube:  https://youtube.com/live/qlk5h1vQCrc?feature=share

Resilient Planet

Zoom Link:  https://nsf.zoomgov.com/j/1614913903?pwd=UxQAc309csfT1TghB3LXW4abpxDIc5.1
Passcode: 508322

Bio x AI

Zoom Link:  https://nsf.zoomgov.com/j/1602833361?pwd=WdWFhK6dhlcUibUwLANJmV06HkDvwG.1
Passcode: 190323

11:35 AM           Report out from Breakout Groups                          

12:20 PM           Lunch Break (on your own)

1:15 PM             Final prep for OD Leadership visit

2:15 PM             Break

2:30 PM             Meeting with NSF Office of the Director Leadership

3:00 PM             Recap and Discussion of Topics for Spring 2024 Meeting 

3:30 PM             Adjourn

Upcoming events in this series