Abstract collage of overlapping, bright-colored glowing circles
Event ended Q&As and information sessions

February Virtual Office Hours with the Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (IOS)

About this event

Join us Thursday, February 16, 2023, 1pm-2pm ET for this month’s IOS Virtual Office Hour. During this virtual office hour, program officers will discuss funding opportunities that are supportive of research focused on infection biology, both in IOS and in the Directorate for Biological Sciences at large. To participate, please register, using the link below. Upcoming IOS Virtual Office Hours are announced ahead of time on IOS in Focus; sign up to follow the blog, from the same page, so you don’t miss anything.  

Real-time closed captioning will be available.


If you can’t make it to this or any future office hours, don’t worry! You can access a report out from the IOS in Focus VOH page including the slides. The slides will also be available on this webpage after the event.   

Virtual Office Hours are the third Thurs of every month from 1pm-2pm ET.