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Event ended Lectures

GCR Lecture: Creating a New Field of Study: Integration and Implementation Sciences (i2S)

About this event

Synopsis: Integration and Implementation Sciences (i2S) is both an example of convergence research
in its development, and a field of study that aims to underpin and support convergence research.
i2S aims to bring together a range of approaches to tackling complex societal and environmental
problems, including systems thinking, interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, action research and postnormal science in order to develop a common repository of concepts, methods and processes, as well
as to make it easier to use combinations of such approaches in research programs. i2S covers three
domains: 1) synthesis of disciplinary and stakeholder knowledge, 2) understanding and managing
unknowns, and 3) providing integrated research support for policy and practice change. The topics
covered (in alphabetical order) are: communication, change, context, decision making, diversity,
integration, research implementation, stakeholder engagement, systems, teamwork, and unknowns.

About the Presenter: Gabriele Bammer BSc (Hons) BA PhD is professor of Integration and Implementation Sciences (i2S) at The Australian National University. She has held a number of visiting appointments in the USA and Europe, including as a Fulbright New Century Scholar at the Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations at Harvard University and a theme leader at the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC). She curates the popular Integration and Implementation Insights community blog (http://i2Insights.org) and co-founded NITRO-Oceania, a network of leaders of interdisciplinary and
transdisciplinary research organizations in the Oceania region.

Zoom link: https://msu.zoom.us/j/96037694622
Passcode: GCR

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