About the series
Join the NSF Convergence Accelerator to learn about the Dear Colleague Letter, Request for Information (NSF 22-021) and the program’s ideation process. NSF is offering two convenient days to accommodate researchers and innovators from all fields.
Attendees will learn about the Convergence Accelerator’s model and fundamentals, designed to leverage a convergence approach to transition basic research and discovery into practice. The NSF will explain how the Convergence Accelerator’s ideation process is your opportunity to think big to address current and future national and societal challenges. This enables participants to shape their topic ideas around the NSF’s criteria and will help guide their experience in the ideation phase of the program.
Webinar Date/Times:
January 25, 2022, from 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. ET
To register, visit https://bit.ly/nsf-ca-eventbrite-registration