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Event ended Q&As and information sessions

I-Corps for Learning (I-Corps L) Webinar

About this event

To help inform the community about I-Corps for Learning (I-Corps L) and the I-Corps L Dear Colleague Letter on Stimulating Innovation in STEM Education (DCL 14-095), NSF will hold a webinar on August 27, 2014, at 2:00 PM.

To challenge NSF researchers to think beyond their research results and toward broader adoption of STEM education and learning innovations, NSF's Innovation Corps Teams Program (I-Corps Teams -- a description of which can be found in the I-Corps Teams solicitation) will encourage proposals that take discoveries and promising practices from education research and development and promote opportunities for widespread adoption, adaptation, and utilization.

I-Corps for Learning (I-Corps L) Teams will receive support -- in the form of mentoring and funding -- to accelerate innovation in learning that can be successfully scaled, in a sustainable manner.

Getting the best evidence-based practices out to potential adopters where those practices can benefit large numbers of students or learners, rather than just in a few classrooms or informal learning organizations, requires an entrepreneurial approach.

There are a number of analogous elements between trying to bring product discoveries to market and getting learning innovations into broad practice that NSF can leverage to help promote widespread use of promising educational learning practices.

Through I-Corps L, the tools of science can benefit education researchers by helping them to identify approaches that are effective in STEM teaching and learning.

Webinar Topic: I-Corps for Learning
Date: Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Time: 2:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

Meeting Number: 744 905 689
Meeting Password: L34Rn!ng

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3.      If a password is required, enter the meeting password: L34Rn!ng

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