About the series
Please join us Thursday, October 20th, 1pm-2pm ET for an informational webinar about the Integrative Research in Biology (IntBIO) Program hosted by the Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (IOS). Program Officers will introduce the IntBIO Program and discuss recent updates to the solicitation. They will also provide tips on how to write a great IntBIO proposal. It is an opportunity to raise questions and communicate directly with Program Officers in your field. To participate, please register using the link below:
There will be a 30-minute presentation, followed by an open Q&A session with Program Officers.
In addition to the IOS event on October 20, two other IntBIO webinars will be hosted by other divisions in NSF’s Directorate for Biological Sciences. If you are planning to apply to the IntBIO program and can’t make it to this event, please consider participating in one of these:
DBI: Oct. 25, 1pm-2pm ET, https://nsf.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_xeFm-X73Sp-_f-sHUbt_Uw
MCB: Nov. 9, 2pm-3pm ET, https://nsf.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_rcG95iI9QOOed-VfarsHFQ (Make sure to select the November 9 option)