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Event ended Conferences and workshops

IOS Virtual Colloquium: From Postdoc to Principal Investigator

About the series

The Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (IOS) within NSF’s Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO) invites postdoctoral researchers supported by IOS grants to our virtual colloquium “From Postdoc to Principal Investigator.”

This two-day virtual colloquium highlighted the scientific research and broader impacts of postdocs supported by IOS and provide key insights on funding and proposal preparation topics relevant to IOS-funded postdocs as they plan their career transition to beginning principal investigators. Each day also included opportunities to engage with NSF Program Directors in Q&A breakout sessions. Presentation files are posted under additional resources below.

Further details on the topics covered will be posted on the IOS blog event announcement: https://iosblog.nsfbio.com/2023/08/03/announcing-an-ios-virtual-colloquium-from-postdoc-to-principal-investigator/

Past events in this series