Abstract collage of overlapping, bright-colored glowing circles
Event ended Conferences and workshops

LTER Mini-Symposium

About this event

Organizing Committee: F. Stuart Chapin (University of Alaska), David Foster (Harvard University), Steward Pickett (Institute of Ecosystem Studies)

Moderator:  Phil Robertson, Chair, LTER Executive Board and Science Council

0830-0845       Welcome: NSF opening remarks.
                        Henry Gholz, Division of Environmental Biology

0845-0900       Introduction: Social-Ecological Feedbacks and the LTER Decadal
                        Steve Carpenter, Center for Limnology, University of Wisconsin

0900-0930       The Agricultural Transitions Project: Partnerships and Insights
                        Charles Redman, School of Sustainability, Arizona State University

0930-1000       Hydrologic Connectivity as a Template for Understanding
                        Human-Physical-Ecological Coupling
                        Todd Crowl, Ecology Center and Dept. of Watershed Sciences, Utah State University

1000-1030       Native and Other Ways of Knowing: Integrating Community
                        Perspectives in LTER Education Outreach
                        Elena Sparrow, International Arctic Research Center and School
                        of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, University of Alaska

1030-1045       Break

1045-1115       Global Connections and Drivers of Site Dynamics: The Antarctic
                        Hugh Ducklow, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole

1115-1145       Social Science Methods for Long-Term Interdisciplinary
                        Research:  An LTER Cross-Site Course
                        Laura Ogden, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Florida
                        International University

1145-1215       Scaling and Coordinated Research in Social-Ecological Science
                        Nancy Grimm, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University