Abstract collage of overlapping, bright-colored glowing circles
Series ended Q&As and information sessions

May Virtual Office Hour with The Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (IOS

About the series

Please join us for our monthly information session to learn about ongoing and new opportunities at NSF!

The May IOS Virtual Office Hour will be held May 21st from 1pm-2pm EDT. This Office Hour will include discussion of recent solicitations and Dear Colleague Letters that have been announced by NSF, as well as the discussion of NSF resources for researchers who want to explore practical applications for their ideas: the Innovation Corps (I-Corps), which uses experiential education to help researchers gain valuable insight into entrepreneurship, starting a business or industry requirements and challenges; and the Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry Program (GOALI) proposal type, which seeks to stimulate collaboration between academic research institutions and industry. The Office Hour will also provide information about the Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR, STTR) Programs, which provide seed money for startups and small businesses from Biology-oriented innovations that transform ideas into marketable products and services. This will be followed by an open question and answer period for questions about any of the NSF resources that were discussed or any IOS program-related questions. For NSF COVID-19 related topics visit our web site: https://www.nsf.gov/news/special_reports/coronavirus.

Join us remotely and bring your questions, comments and ideas! Please use the registration link below to set up your participation in our May Virtual Office Hour.

Office hour registration and sign in for May 21, 2020:

Zoom registration link – Be sure to choose May 21st!

Past events in this series