About the series
The National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics is hosting a webinar series focused on the skilled technical workforce in the U.S.
This webinar is titled “Surveying the Skilled Technical Workforce (STW) to Answer Policy-Relevant STEM-Workforce Questions: The 2021 National, Training, Education, and Workforce Survey (NTEWS).” Attendance is open to all, but you must pre-register through NCSES web page, which also includes a preliminary agenda and additional workshop details.
Attendees will learn about the NCSES STW Initiative efforts on developing a new 2021 National Training, Education, and Workforce Survey (NTEWS). Researchers, analysts, and data users from a variety of sectors have used STEM data; however, they have limited data that targets the education, training, and employment of the STW—workers that use significant levels of science and engineering expertise and technical knowledge in their occupations and whose educational attainment is less than a bachelor's degree. Forthcoming NTEWS data will allow NSF to have a complete understanding of the STEM workforce enterprise that will include those with work-related credentials (i.e., licenses, certifications, and certificates).