About the series
With the release of a Dear Colleague Letter (NSF 19-080), the National Science Foundation (NSF) announced its intention to carry out a competition to manage the Operations and Maintenance of the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON).
NSF will be hosting a webinar regarding the planned competition. Individuals, teams and organizations interested in submitting proposals should try to participate.
This webinar will discuss the timeline for executing the competition for the management of NEON Operations and Maintenance. It will highlight key decision points by NSF and identify critical dates for activities related to the competition. The webinar will also provide information on the post-award oversight requirements for awards managed through cooperative agreements (CAs). Following the presentation, there will be a question and answer period.
Instructions for Participants:
- Event: NEON O&M Informational Webinar
- Date/Time: Wednesday, September 11, 2019 from 2:00pm – 3:30pm Eastern Daylight Time
- URL: https://nsf2.webex.com/nsf2/onstage/g.php?MTID=e5c79979d094c3a5441a1b894bd8ea6b6
- Audio: 1-510-210-8882
- Questions: Submit questions for response via WebEx Q&A during the live webinar