About the series
Application Deadline —15 October 2007
The New Generation Polar Researcher (NGPR) Symposium will catalyze formation of a vibrant, international and interdisciplinary community of polar scientists, working collectively to extend polar research frontiers across geographic boundaries and disciplines.
Advanced students and PhD graduates conducting research in the Arctic or Antarctic during the International Polar Year are invited to apply for the NGPR Symposium, which will be held on 4-11 May 2008 in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Scholars from the full range of natural and social sciences are eligible. While the focus is on U.S. research with preference given for American citizens and U.S. residents, a few slots are reserved for citizens of other countries who are residing outside the U.S. and demonstrate an interest in working with U.S. researchers. Applicants who complete their degree between 1 January 2002 and 31 March 2009 are eligible to apply.
Funded by the National Science Foundation's Office of Polar Programs through Whitman College and University of Colorado, the NGPR Symposium will consist of research presentations and perspectives on the history and future of polar research by International Geophysical Year veterans and other polar experts. The symposium provides an open forum for discussions that will lead to cross-fertilization of research ideas and techniques for educational outreach. The net result should be expansion of participants' historical, scientific, and professional outlook.
For detailed information about symposium and how to apply, please go to the symposium web site at http://www.disccrs.org/ngpr/