Abstract collage of overlapping, bright-colored glowing circles
Event ended Q&As and information sessions

NSF CAREER Program Webinar

About this event

The NSF CAREER Coordinating Committee hosts a webinar to provide an overview of the NSF Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) and to answer participants' questions about development and submission of CAREER proposals.

The webinar includes an overview presentation followed by a question-and-answer period.

How to Submit Questions

Participants may submit questions about CAREER proposal development and submission in advance of and during the webinar by sending e-mail to:  careerwebinarqs@nsf.gov

Please note that questions requiring determinations of eligibility for the CAREER program will not be addressed during the webinar.  Questions about individual eligibility should be directed to the appropriate NSF Divisional contact shown on the web page http://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/career/contacts.jsp 

How to Access the Webinar

Video and audio for the webinar are provided separately.

Video (no sound provided):


  • Call 1-888-942-9075 (USA toll free) or
    see list of international numbers below.
  • Participant passcode: Career2015
  • For closed captioning, visit http://www.fedrcc.us/ and input event confirmation number 2598904.

   International dial in numbers, for use only outside the USA:

Country Toll Free Number
ARGENTINA 0800-444-0891
AUSTRALIA 1-800-027-350
AUSTRIA 0800-005-805
BELGIUM 0800-3-8929
BRAZIL 0800-7610654
CANADA 866-845-8493
CHILE 1230-020-5986
CHINA A: 10800-712-2423
CHINA B: 10800-120-2423
COLOMBIA 01800-9-157005
CROATIA 080-08-06-410
CZECH REPUBLIC 800-700-241
DENMARK 8088-2739
ESTONIA 800-011-1126
FINLAND 0-800-9-14619
FRANCE 080-510-2764
GERMANY 0800-800-1420
GREECE 00800-12-8034
HONG KONG 800-963-172
HUNGARY 06-800-11152
INDIA A: 000-800-852-1217
INDIA B: 000-800-001-6243
INDIA C: 1800-300-00466
INDONESIA 007-803-011-0169
IRELAND 1800-936-202
ISRAEL 1-80-9212604
ITALY 800-977-454
JAPAN 0066-33-812353
LATVIA 8000-3206
LUXEMBOURG 8002-9169
MALAYSIA 1-800-81-4674
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SOUTH AFRICA 080-09-82147
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TAIWAN 00801-136-036
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TURKEY 00-800-151-0810
UNITED KINGDOM 0808-238-9816
URUGUAY 000-413-598-3837
VENEZUELA 0800-1-00-2884
VIETNAM 120-11746