About the series
The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the University of Alabama in Huntsville are sponsoring a one-day workshop on October 9, 2008. The workshop will provide an introduction to and overview of the National Science Foundation, its proposal and merit review process, its crosscutting programs, and its international programs. There will also be presentations on the programs of each of the NSF directorates: Mathematical and Physical Sciences; Biological Sciences; Computer and Information Science and Engineering; Education and Human Resources; Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences; Engineering; and Geosciences, as well as time for participants to chat informally with NSF program managers. This workshop is primarily designed for researchers and educators less experienced in proposing to the NSF; however, more experienced proposers and NSF grantees may well find the workshop useful and informative.
The National Science Foundation is charged with keeping our nation's science and engineering enterprise healthy, dynamic and relevant, and with advancing science, mathematics, engineering and technology education at all levels from pre-K through postdoctoral. It is our hope that events such as this will stimulate new interest in NSF programs at institutions that have not been among our traditional customers, as well as at premier research institutions.
There is a $25.00 registration fee payable to UAHuntsville the day of the workshop. Preregistration is required. Please register by October 2, 2008. The workshop will be held at the Shelby Center for Science and Technololgy on the UAHuntsville campus. Registration will be limited, so please register early.