Abstract collage of overlapping, bright-colored glowing circles
Series ended Q&As and information sessions

NSF Earth Sciences Virtual Office Hours

About the series

The NSF Division of Earth Sciences (EAR) will be continuing our Office Hours series with an upcoming session “Navigating the NSF System” on May 21, 2020 from 3:00-4:30PM EDT. Acting Head of the Disciplinary Programs Section and Program Director for Petrology and Geochemistry, Dr. Jennifer Wade, will conduct the session. In the past, this session has been presented at AGU in workshop format.

The session will consist of a presentation by Dr. Wade as well as a Q&A portion. This session is aimed at scientists thinking about applying for NSF funding for the first time. Dr. Wade will discuss the NSF merit review process and criteria. EAR is committed to assuring current and future PIs that NSF embraces direct interaction with program staff – we are accessible and supportive and want them to succeed.

If you are interested in participating in the session, please follow the registration information below.

When: May 21, 2020 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: NSF EAR - Navigating NSF Webinar
Register in advance for this webinar:


Or an H.323/SIP room system:

H.323: (US West) or (US East)
Meeting ID: 161 466 3243
Password: 345209
SIP: 1614663243@sip.zoomgov.com
Password: 345209

The Division of Earth Sciences (EAR) at NSF uses a listserv (email distribution list) to distribute timely information to the research community, including announcements about Virtual Office Hours. The most commonly distributed material is the EAR Newsletter that includes information on new solicitations and Dear Colleague Letters (DCLs), career opportunities, EAR staff updates, EAR and NSF outreach events, and research publications and news stories from EAR-funded research.

To subscribe to the listserv, please send an email to listserv@listserv.nsf.gov with the following text in the body of the message:

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Example: subscribe Earth John Doe

If you are currently subscribed and no longer want to receive NSF Earth Sciences communications by email, please send an email to EARTH-signoff-request@listserv.nsf.gov.


Past events in this series