About the series
NSF’s Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences Directorate (SBE) wants to spread the word about its programs, the research it funds, and the process of applying for an award. SBE’s outreach is particularly focused on Minority Serving Institutions. Events so far have included a February presentation at Tennessee State University, attended by representatives from eight schools, which included a mock merit review panel to show participants how NSF evaluates award proposals. Earlier this month, Trinity University hosted a similar event, featuring 13 staff members representing all three of SBE’s divisions, and attended by 12 schools.
In case you were not able to attend either of the above events, we invite you to attend an informational webinar hosted by SBE on May 18, 2016 where we will share information about various funding opportunities for social, behavioral, and economic scientists, discuss the proposal preparation process, and offer some advice on best practices when submitting a proposal to NSF. Attendance is free but preregistration is required.
Questions? Contact SBE-MSI-Outreach@nsf.gov
Please contact SBE IT at sbeithelp@nsf.gov to request an accessible version of the recorded webinar.