Abstract collage of overlapping, bright-colored glowing circles
Event ended Q&As and information sessions

Polar Programs Antarctic Section Virtual Office Hours

About this event

The Antarctic Sciences (ANT) and Antarctic Infrastructure and Logistics (AIL) Sections of the OPP will be hosting this virtual Office Hours to:

  • Share information regarding evolving plans for upcoming seasons
  • Provide NSF and OPP updates
  • Inform you of funding opportunities
  • And engage with you in a question and answer session

These Office Hours sessions are designed to allow the USAP science community to ask questions, share concerns, and offer suggestions on how ANT/AIL can more effectively aid the recovery from the impacts of COVID-19 and to foster the growth, diversity, and resilience of the Antarctic science community.

Registration is requiredhttps://nsf.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_GMhDF2HFReWV894AqQRxWw


To submit questions, you can:

  • Send questions directly to ANT Science Assistant, Jennifer Rhemann, at jrhemann@nsf.gov
  • Submit questions via the Q&A function during the Office Hours.

All USAP participants – including current awardees, pending proposers, and future proposers – are welcome to attend.