Abstract collage of overlapping, bright-colored glowing circles
Series ended Q&As and information sessions

Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology Virtual Office Hours

About the series

The Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology (PRFB) Program will be holding office hours during the first week of November. These provide an opportunity to learn more about the new solicitation (NSF 20-602) and the application process.

The office hours will involve a short presentation and time for questions through the Q&A function.

Materials from the office hours will be available on the PRFB Program site for those who are unable to attend and for general reference. 

Virtual Office Hours: Monday, November 2nd at 4 PM (EST) and Thursday, November 5th at 4 PM (EST):

Please click the link below to join the webinar:


Passcode: ?^9=Z6

Or iPhone one-tap : 

US: +16692545252,,1602272511#  or +16468287666,,1602272511# 

Or Telephone:

Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 254 5252  or +1 646 828 7666  or 833 568 8864 (Toll Free)

Webinar ID: 160 227 2511

International numbers available: https://nsf.zoomgov.com/u/acgXzjoni

Past events in this series