About this event
Polar Research - Arctic and Antarctic Perspectives in the International Polar Year (IPY)
The third biennial SCAR Open Science Conference will be held in St. Petersburg, Russia, from 8 to 11 July 2008. The 2008 conference, the first recognized International Polar Year 2007-2008 Conference, is jointly sponsored by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) and the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC). The Open Science Conference is an international and interdisciplinary meeting that brings together students and investigators from around the world with interests in polar science and research. The symposium is an excellent opportunity to view and discuss the most recent and important polar research.
For more information, go to the Open Science Conference web site:
U.S. students and investigators involved in antarctic and arctic research are invited to submit abstracts for oral and poster sessions to the meeting. Presentations on all aspects of current antarctic and arctic research are organized around the IPY themes of:
- Status and Change
- Polar/Global Linkages
- A Sense of Discovery
- The Poles as a Vantage Point for Observations
- People and Resources at the Poles
The latest research results of IPY programs also will be reported.
Travel Grant Opportunity: Applications are sought from students, post-doctoral researchers, faculty, and investigators at U.S. institutions for partial travel support to participate in the SCAR/IASC 2008 IPY Open Science Conference. Young investigators, students and members of under-represented groups are especially encouraged to apply.
Eligibility and Application: Successful applicants must present a talk or poster at the symposium and must be enrolled at or employed by a U.S. institution. Priority will be given to students, young scientists, and members of under-represented groups. The awards are expected to be in the $1,750 to $2,750 range with lesser amounts awarded to more well established applicants. All associated air travel must be on U.S.-flagged carriers.
The application form can be downloaded from the U.S. SCAR Office Website http://usscar.tamu.edu/. Submit the application form by e-mail to Chuck Kennicutt at m-kennicutt@tamu.edu.
Deadline for Applications: March 15, 2008. If you have an questions regarding this opportunity please contact Chuck Kennicutt, Office of the Vice President for Research, Texas A&M University, m-kennicutt@tamu.edu, 979-458-0115.
Related agencies
- U.S. SCAR Office; Texas A&M University