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Event ended Q&As and information sessions

Webinar on NSF's Documenting Endangered Languages Program, Computational Methods area proposals

About this event

The Documenting Endangered Languages Solicitation (NSF 16-576) includes a partnership with the Robust Intelligence Program at NSF and encourages computational submissions that address the goals of the DEL and the RI programs. The solicitation can be found at https://nsf.gov/pubs/2016/nsf16576/nsf16576.htm.  A webinar is scheduled for 2 pm EST, Tuesday May 23 to provide information for the preparation of proposals to be submitted to the Documenting Endangered Language Program (DEL) Computational Methods stream of funding for the September 15, 2017 deadline. NSF's Colleen Fitzgerald (Program officer, Documenting Endangered Languages) and Terry Langendoen (Senior Expert, Robust Intelligence) will be running this webinar. It will last an hour and a half and there will be time for questions.

Registration required. Register at: https://nsf.webex.com/nsf/onstage/g.php?MTID=ec07bd6dc091c2ccd43fb4431f2fc9145

Meeting number (access code): 746 308 734
Meeting password: DELComput2017#

Contact: Dr. Colleen Fitzgerald, Program Director for Documenting Endangered Languages cfitzger@nsf.gov

Agenda for the Webinar

  • Overview of the DEL program and eligibility
  • Computational Area of Emphasis
  • Submissions and proposal processing
  • Merit review of proposals
  • Intellectual merit
  • Broader Impacts
  • Making a competitive proposal
  • DEL solicitation specific elements (Data Management Plans, Statement of Consultation)
  • Sample Funded Projects
  • Questions and answers

More information about DEL's stream of funding for Computational Methods projects:

"to further develop standards and databases to make this documentation of a certain language or languages widely available in consistent, archivable, interoperable, and Web-based formats; to develop computational tools for endangered languages, which present an additional challenge for statistical tools (taggers, grammar induction tools, parsers, etc.) since they do not have the large corpora for training and testing the models used to develop those tools; to develop new approaches to building computational tools for endangered languages, based on deeper knowledge of linguistics, language typology and families, which require collaboration between theoretical and field linguists and computational linguists (computer scientists)."

Colleen M. Fitzgerald, Ph.D.
Program Director, Documenting Endangered Languages
National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Blvd, Suite 995N, Arlington, VA 22230
T: 703.292.4381 F: 703.292.9068

DEL program online, including FAQs and new outreach videos http://1.usa.gov/1gryRP9