About this event
Sign up to learn about upcoming changes to the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG), (NSF 16-1). The New PAPPG will be effective for proposals submitted or due on or after January 25, 2016.
A webinar to brief the community on the new PAPPG will be held on October 29th at 2 PM EST. Registration is required at: https://nsfevents.webex.com/nsfevents/onstage/g.php?d=747703895&t=a
Significant changes include:
- Enforcement of 5 p.m. submitter’s local time across all NSF funding opportunities;
- Implementation of NSF’s Public Access Policy;
- Submission of proposal certifications by the Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) concurrently with proposal submission;
- NSF’s implementation of the US Government Policy for Institutional Oversight of Life Sciences on Dual Use Research of Concern;
- Provision of Collaborators and Other Affiliations information as a new single-copy document, instead of as part of the Biographical Sketch;
- Submission of Biographical Sketches and Current and Pending Support separately for each senior personnel;
- Electronic signature and submission of notifications and requests by the AOR only;
- Revision of timeframe for submission of final project reports, project outcomes reports and financial closure of awards to 120 days after the award end date; and
- Numerous clarifications throughout the document.
Given the number of important revisions, the community is strongly encouraged to review the by-chapter summary of changes provided in the Introduction section of the PAPPG.
While this version of the PAPPG becomes effective on January 25, 2016, in the interim, the guidelines contained in the current PAPPG (NSF 15-1) continue to apply. We will ensure that the current version of the PAPPG remains on the NSF website, with a notation to proposers that specifies when the new PAPPG (including a link to the new Guide) will become effective.