QuBBE Quantum Leap Challenge Institute

Quantum Information Science

For decades, the U.S. National Science Foundation has invested in the foundational research and development driving the quantum revolution.

Whether it's GPS systems, MRI technology or the lasers that enable today's internet, technologies that leverage quantum effects have their roots in NSF investments.

The future of quantum information science and engineering promises to be even more impactful — like computers with unprecedented power, inherently secure communications, new industrial materials, and sophisticated sensors and imaging tools.

What is quantum information science?

In the quantum world, at the scales of molecules, atoms and electrons, the laws of physics become peculiar. Researchers are exploring how to control the behavior of these quantum systems to create next-generation technologies for imaging, sensing, computing, modeling and communication.

Quantum information science touches nearly all areas of science and engineering, relying on advances in the physical sciences, materials science, computer science, mathematics and engineering.

Brought to you by NSF

NSF's decades of sustained investments have ensured the continual advancement of quantum research. Pioneering work supported by NSF includes:


NSF-funded research into nanotechnologies is facilitating groundbreaking discoveries at the quantum level, enabling advances in faster computer chips, high-performance imaging systems and more.


NSF is investing in the next generation of cryptographic methods, which rely on quantum information science to ensure privacy and security in a post-quantum world.

What we support

Fundamental quantum research

We support fundamental investigations into quantum phenomena and systems.

Translating knowledge to practice

We support the translation of quantum knowledge into technological applications, including proof-of-concept devices, tools and systems.

Education and workforce development

We support the creation of a diverse workforce across the U.S. that is ready to develop and operate the quantum technologies of the future.

Foundries for quantum materials and devices

We support quantum foundries, in close cooperation with industry partners, for the rapid prototyping and development of quantum materials and devices.

Partnerships to accelerate progress

We partner with other federal agencies, industry and nonprofits to share data, tools, expertise and other resources; strengthen workforce development; and translate research into products and services that benefit society.

Quantum Leap Challenge Institutes

NSF's Quantum Leap Challenge Institutes are advancing fundamental discoveries in quantum science and developing the future scientists, engineers and startups that will contribute to the quantum revolution.

a yellow and orange close-up view of a quantum chip

America's Seed Fund (SBIR/STTR)

Supports startups and small businesses to translate research into products and services — including quantum information technologies — for the public good.

Connections in Quantum Information Science

Supports research that harnesses fundamental quantum properties to explore new scientific frontiers and develop new technologies at the interface of traditional scientific disciplines.

Expanding Capacity in Quantum Information Science and Engineering

Supports research, research training, education, outreach and broadening participation in quantum information science and engineering, while securing a talent pipeline matched to the needs of this emerging field.

NSF National Quantum Virtual Laboratory

Supports projects that develop and utilize use-inspired and application-oriented quantum technologies.

Quantum Information Science

Supports theoretical and experimental research to advance foundational understanding and enable quantum technologies through multidisciplinary collaboration between physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists.

Additional resources