Announcing 13 new IGE Awards in 2023

The U.S. National Science Foundation announced 13 new awards through the agency’s Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE) program. The $6 million investment includes $3.5 million of support from the "CHIPS and Science Act of 2022."

The IGE program supports transformative approaches to preparing students in research-based master’s and doctoral degree programs for a range of STEM careers. Awards generate knowledge about the viability of interventions — frequently professional development — with the intent to encourage broader adoption of these approaches. In 2021, the IGE program awarded the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) a cooperative agreement to establish the NSF IGE Innovation Acceleration Hub. The goal of the IGE Hub is to "foster learning and collaboration among IGE awardees and provide broader dissemination of information and opportunities across the STEM graduate community.”

The latest IGE awards will support new approaches to preparing graduate students for the semiconductor and manufacturing workforces or to be entrepreneurs that will be prepared to drive the development and application of future solutions to our society’s most challenging problems. Additional awards focus on the critical technical and professional skills needed to succeed in current and future STEM careers.


The IGE 2023 awards include the following projects

Collaborative Research: Scalable Storytelling Interventions to Support Graduate Student Success in STEM, Boise State University

Collaborative Research: Scalable Storytelling Interventions to Support Graduate Student Success in STEM, Utah State University

Applied Graduate STEM Education through an Innovative Hands-On Industrial Work Experience, University of New Mexico

Creating Bold STEM Leaders Through Graduate Entrepreneurial Training, University of Connecticut

Integrating Data Science into the Applied Mathematics PhD: Generalized Skills for Non-Academic Careers, University of Arizona

Applying Cognitive Theories of Learning to Improve Graduate Training in STEM Communication, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Interdisciplinary Scientific Immersion Program for entering PhD students, Washington University

My PhD: Incorporating Student-Centered Assessments into the core of PhD Training, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

TRIAGE: Techniques for Resolving Intragroup Conflict to Advance Graduate Education, Clemson University

Social justice training in graduate engineering education through critical civic engagement, Iowa State University

A Personalized Learning Model for STEM Graduate Education, University of Pittsburgh

Evaluating an Innovative, Structured Teaching Assistantship Program: Impacts on Student Success and Career Readiness, Morgan State University

Improving Access and Outcomes for Students in Semiconductors and Solar Energy, Arizona State University