STEM research and interdisciplinary collaboration: Creating a synergy that sparks innovation and increased participation

The world faces increasingly pressing challenges, from climate change to sustainable food production to cybersecurity threats. To solve these complex problems, scientists and engineers must collaborate to create innovative solutions to global challenges. Interdisciplinary research breaks down traditional silos between disciplines and fosters collaboration across fields.

The U.S. National Science Foundation's Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE) program stands at the forefront of this movement. By funding projects that bring together experts from diverse disciplines, NSF creates a fertile ground for groundbreaking, interdisciplinary discoveries.

Interdisciplinary projects shatter the walls across disciplines and promote the development of solutions to complex challenges through collaborative exploration across fields of academic study, industry and government.

A new era of STEM graduate education: Beyond the lab bench

The impact of interdisciplinary research in STEM education extends far beyond the walls of universities and research labs. Interdisciplinary research equips a generation of STEM leaders to tackle complex challenges, drive groundbreaking discoveries and become innovators

Interdisciplinary research:

  • Revolutionizes industries: Industry, academia and public sector organizations increasingly seek STEM graduates who can apply knowledge from various disciplines. The demand for interdisciplinary STEM experts will continue to increase to drive innovation across sectors.
  • Empowers a diverse workforce: By creating inclusive environments and fostering collaboration, interdisciplinary research can break down barriers and encourage participation from underrepresented groups in STEM fields. This will lead to a richer pool of talent and a more equitable future for science and innovation.
  • Prepares us for an interconnected world: The challenges and opportunities of the 21st century transcend national borders. Interdisciplinary research fosters a global perspective, equipping STEM leaders with the skills to collaborate with international teams and address pressing global challenges.

NSF spotlights three exemplary NSF IGE-funded projects built on interdisciplinary STEM research. Each project is described in terms of the challenges it attempts to resolve, the project implementation and its outcome.


1. Team Science Training for Coastal Ocean & Estuarine STEM Graduate Students at the College of William and Mary, Institute of Marine Sciences.

The project addresses a critical challenge in coastal and estuarine science to prepare graduate students to work effectively in interdisciplinary teams. Understanding and managing these environments requires collaboration among scientists across disciplines, such as marine biology, oceanography, environmental chemistry and social sciences.

Project approach: The Team Science Training for Coastal Ocean & Estuarine STEM Graduate Students at the College of William and Mary project implemented a "team science training" approach for its graduate students in coastal ocean and estuarine sciences. The program equips students with the skills crucial to collaborate across disciplinary boundaries, including communication, leadership and conflict resolution skills. The program also emphasizes the integration of interdisciplinary perspectives to solve complex environmental problems.

The training includes workshops, team-based research projects and opportunities for students to engage with scientists from various disciplines. By working on real-world problems in coastal and estuarine environments, students gain hands-on experience in interdisciplinary collaboration and learn how to apply interdisciplinary expertise in a broader context.


Project outcome:  Project participants become experts in their respective fields and skilled in interdisciplinary collaboration. Students have strengthened capabilities to address complex environmental challenges facing coastal and estuarine ecosystems. The project also contributed to a broader cultural shift within the institution, promoting the value of interdisciplinary research and collaboration in science, technology, engineering and mathematics education. In addition, the project produces valuable insights into the best practices for training graduate students in interdisciplinary collaboration. 


2. Transdisciplinary Research in Graduate Engineering Education at Texas A&M University, Kingsville

The project prepares graduate STEM students to work across disciplinary boundaries to address complex, real-world problems, combining additional disciplines with traditional engineering knowledge. Many of today's most pressing engineering challenges, such as sustainable infrastructure, renewable energy and advanced manufacturing, require solutions that draw on knowledge from multiple engineering disciplines and other fields, including management, policy and environmental science.


Project approach: Transdisciplinary Research in Graduate Engineering Education at Texas A&M University, Kingsville, is an interdisciplinary STEM program that immerses students in research projects requiring collaboration across multiple disciplines. Students have structured opportunities to work with peers and faculty from different engineering fields and other disciplines, such as economics, public policy and environmental studies.

The program incorporates workshops on transdisciplinary research methods, team-based projects and interactions with industry and government partners. Students receive guidance to think beyond their disciplinary silos, considering the broader social, economic and environmental impacts of their work.


Project outcome: Student participants broaden their technical knowledge and ability to communicate and collaborate across disciplines. Graduate engineering students achieve technical proficiency and interdisciplinary leadership skills. These students are now equipped with the skills and perspectives needed to tackle the complex, interconnected challenges that characterize modern engineering problems.

In addition, the project produced valuable insights into the processes and challenges of implementing transdisciplinary research in graduate engineering education. These insights have informed the development of similar programs at other institutions and contributed to a growing recognition of the importance of transdisciplinary approaches in STEM education to prepare engineers to lead in an increasingly complex and connected world.


3. Leveraging Data Science Master Programs to Enhance Professional Readiness in STEM PhD students at Duke University

The project integrates critical interdisciplinary data science skills into the doctoral STEM curriculum, enabling students to be greater contributors and leaders in solving pressing challenges in government, across industries and academia.


Project approach: The Leveraging Data Science Master Programs to Enhance Professional Readiness in STEM PhD Students at Duke University project integrates elements of the data science master's program into the professional development curriculum of STEM doctoral programs. The approach involves offering tailored courses, workshops and collaborative projects that focus on data science applications relevant to STEM doctoral research areas. The program also includes mentorship and collaboration opportunities with industry professionals, providing students with practical experience and insights into how data science skills are applied in real-world settings.


Project outcome: The project seamlessly amplifies the professional readiness of STEM doctoral students, equipping them with the data science skills needed to strategically incorporate data science in designing solutions to pressing challenges. As a result, STEM doctoral graduates are better prepared to lead interdisciplinary teams and apply their research skills in data-driven professional environments. Integrating data science training into STEM doctoral programs at Duke University sets a precedent for other universities to cross-train STEM leaders.

This project highlights the importance of strategically leveraging existing educational programs to significantly enhance the preparedness of STEM doctoral students, making them key contributors to solving global challenges.


The future is bright for interdisciplinary research. As science and technology evolve and global challenges become more pressing, the need for collaboration across disciplines, industry and government will only grow. By supporting interdisciplinary research, the NSF IGE program equips the next generation of scientists and engineers to lead the creation of solutions that open interdisciplinary research to underserved student populations and accelerate innovation.