NSF launches visualization tool showcasing NSF Regional Innovation Engines and U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration investments

NSF and EDA showcase efforts to catalyze place-based innovation during a joint visit to Louisiana

The U.S. National Science Foundation Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP) today announced the publication of an interactive map featuring the 198 investments explicitly advancing place-based innovation made by NSF and the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration (EDA). The map features investments made through the NSF Regional Innovation Engines (NSF Engines) as well as those made through EDA's Build Back Better Regional Challenge (BBBRC) and Regional Technology and Innovation Hubs (Tech Hubs) programs. Notably, the map demonstrates the geographic diversity and intentional layering of investments across the two agencies. View the dashboard.

U.S. map reviewing NSF & EDA catalyzing place-based innovation with colored icons placed in each state
"We are pleased to launch this new dashboard displaying the full breadth of NSF and EDA regional investments and underscoring continued coordination across the federal government to support regional innovation," said Erwin Gianchandani, NSF assistant director for TIP. "The map offers a portrait of our burgeoning emphasis on place-based innovation, particularly how we are harnessing the full geography of innovation that exists all across the nation. As NSF Director Sethuraman Panchanathan notes, we are creating opportunities everywhere because there is innovation potential anywhere."

The publication of this dashboard highlights layered investments by NSF and EDA. These co-investments unite NSF's global leadership in scientific infrastructure and technology development and EDA's deep expertise in place-based economic development. The agencies' coordinated deployment of investments allows the rapid development of innovation ecosystems that are both technologically advanced and economically resilient.

Earlier this summer, NSF and EDA collaborated to host the first-ever "Innovative Capital Summit," bringing together hundreds of stakeholders from the investment community, philanthropy, industry, government and academia to help catalyze investment in American innovation and competitiveness.

Interactive map highlighted at a Louisiana event

In Louisiana today, leadership from the two agencies highlighted the layered, strategic investments in building the nation's future — in Louisiana's case, the energy sector. The state received NSF Engines and BBBRC awards and was designated a Tech Hub. Combined, these announcements unlocked hundreds of millions of dollars of public and private investments in the state.

EDA and NSF plan to continue expanding upon these collaborations while collaborating with additional federal partners in this work in advance of the "ROADMAP Summit" in December 2024. The "ROADMAP Summit" is a new, major U.S. government event hosted by NSF in partnership with EDA and other federal agencies to elevate and convene the teams leading the historic place-based innovation investments supported by the federal government. The event will also feature a highly curated and select group of leading thinkers, current and former elected officials, industry leaders and journalists to share their perspectives about the landscape for U.S. competitiveness, emerging technology opportunities and challenges, and an emerging consensus on our national industrial innovation strategy. 

"Through this important collaboration between EDA and NSF, economic development practitioners, scientists and innovators, and the American people will have a chance to visualize how the Biden-Harris Administration's investments in innovation are creating tremendous impact and opportunity throughout the nation," said EDA Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and External Affairs Cristina Killingsworth. "Programs such as EDA's Tech Hubs and NSF's Engines, along with investments from the American Rescue Plan and more, are ensuring that innovations, industries, and tens of thousands of new, good-paying jobs continue to start, grow, and remain in the United States." 

About NSF Engines

Launched by the NSF Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships, the NSF Engines program envisions fostering multiple flourishing regional innovation ecosystems across the country, providing a unique opportunity to spur economic growth in regions that have not fully participated in the technology boom of the past few decades. Each NSF Engine catalyzes robust partnerships rooted in scientific and technological innovation to positively impact the economy within a geographic region, address societal challenges and advance national competitiveness. For the latest NSF Engines information, subscribe to the email list