The American Competitiveness in Chemistry-Fellowship program is a program to support postdoctoral associates in chemistry. It seeks to (1) build ties between academic and industrial, and/or national laboratory, and/or Chemistry Division-funded center researchers (partners) and (2) involve beginning scientists in efforts to broaden participation in chemistry. Fellows will pursue research with industrial, and/or national laboratory, and/or Chemistry Division-funded center partners that will enrich their in-house research program. In addition, fellows will develop and implement their own plans for broadening participation in the chemical sciences. Successful applicants must propose a well-integrated, synergistic research plan with their chosen affiliate as well as an effective outreach plan that will broaden participation by underrepresented groups in chemistry. The research must be in a thematic area that is supported by the NSF Division of Chemistry.
The Program will support Fellows for two years of postgraduate study. The Chemistry Division envisions that Postdoctoral Fellows with successful programs who pursue careers in academia will have opportunities for significant additional funding, either through supplements to their original ACC-F award, or through new awards from the Division.
Program contacts
Charles Pibel Program Director, Physical Chemistry
| | (703) 292-4971 |