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48 results for ""
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ECosystem for Leading Innovation in Plasma Science and Engineering (ECLIPSE) | PD 24-110Z

Supports translational research and workforce development at the interface of fundamental plasma science and technological innovation.

Full Proposal Deadline:
August 13, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) | NSF 22-537

Supports research on the physics of the Earth's magnetosphere and the coupling of the magnetosphere to the atmosphere and the solar wind.

Posted January 24, 2005
Full Proposal Target Date
September 30, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Solar, Heliospheric, and INterplanetary Environment (SHINE) | NSF 22-570

Solar, Heliospheric, and Interplanetary Environment (SHINE) is a broad-based research program supporting enhanced understanding of and predictive capabilities for the processes by which energy in the form of magnetic fields and particles are produced by the Sun and/or accelerated in...
Posted January 24, 2005
Full Proposal Target Date
October 7, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Paleo Perspectives on Present and Projected Climate (P4CLIMATE) | NSF 22-612

Much can be learned about the climate system using existing historical observations and models of current climate, but those records and models do not reflect the range of climate behavior on multi-decadal to millennial time scales, or capture tipping points...
Full Proposal Target Date
October 21, 2024

Geoscience Opportunities for Leadership in Diversity (GOLD-EN) | PD 21-178Y

Supports creating a network of professionals to implement evidence-based best practices and resources that improve diversity, equity and inclusion within the geosciences.

Full Proposal Target Date
October 25, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Scientific Innovation (CSSI) | NSF 22-632

The Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Scientific Innovation (CSSI) program seeks to enable funding opportunities that are flexible and responsive to the evolving and emerging needs in cyberinfrastructure (CI). The program continues to emphasize integrated CI services, quantitative metrics with targets for...
Posted July 31, 2008
Full Proposal Deadline:
December 2, 2024
Standard Grant

Mid-Career Advancement (MCA) | NSF 22-603

Supports opportunities for scientists and engineers at the associate professor rank (or equivalent) to substantively enhance and advance their research program through synergistic partnerships.

Posted January 28, 2005
Full Proposal Window
March 3, 2025
Proposal window February 1, 2025 - March 3, 2025
Continuing Grant

Faculty Development in geoSpace Science (FDSS) | NSF 23-577

The Geospace Section of the NSF Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) offers funding for the creation of new tenure-track faculty positions within the disciplines that comprise the AGS Geospace programs to ensure their vitality at U.S. universities and...
Full Proposal Target Date
March 3, 2025
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions (CEDAR) | NSF 22-575

Supports research that combines theory, modeling and observations from ground-based and space-based platforms to study changes in the atmosphere over short and long time scales.

Posted January 24, 2005
Full Proposal Target Date
May 2, 2025
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Nordic-U.S. Research Collaboration on Sustainable Development of the Arctic | NSF 24-070

Encourages interdisciplinary research proposals in collaboration with Nordic and Canadian research communities to engage Indigenous perspectives and address security, natural resources and societal changes for the sustainable development of the Arctic.

See letter for details
Standard Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Supporting Use of Existing Data and Samples in Atmospheric Sciences Research and Education | NSF 21-064

Invites proposals for atmospheric research and education projects that use data and physical samples available in public repositories.

See letter for details
Standard Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Opportunities for Mid-Career Scientist Support in the Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences | NSF 21-018

Encourages proposals from mid-career scientists who are from underrepresented groups; have no recent NSF funding; are supported by soft money; or are at community colleges, minority-serving institutions or primarily undergraduate institutions.

See letter for details

NSF-NIST Interaction in Basic and Applied Scientific Research | PD 22-1642

Introduction The National Science Foundation (NSF) and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have shared interests in a variety of basic and applied scientific and engineering fields. This program is designed to facilitate collaborative research and educational activities among...
Posted April 21, 2014
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Novel Approaches to Critical Minerals Research in the Geosciences (GEO-CM) | NSF 23-057

Invites proposals on fundamental research to facilitate discovery, characterization, extraction and separation of critical minerals such as essential metals and rare earth elements required to achieve a clean-energy future.

See letter for details
Supplemental Funding
Dear Colleague Letter

Physical and Dynamic Meteorology Update on Modeling Tools and Support | NSF 23-095

Invites supplemental funding requests to Physical and Dynamic Meteorology program awards to explore and train students on newer weather modeling systems.

See letter for details
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Clean Energy Technology RAISE or EAGER Proposals | NSF 23-109

Invites Research Advanced by Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (RAISE) and EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) proposals to all NSF Directorates in the area of clean energy technologies.

See letter for details
Supplemental Funding
Dear Colleague Letter

Directorate for Geosciences (GEO) Opportunity for Graduate Students Supplemental Funding to Link Geosciences and Human Health (GeoHealth INTERN) | NSF 23-112

Invites geoscientists to seek supplemental funding for graduate students to complete six-month internships with public health or medical professionals on mutually beneficial projects exploring the linkage of human health and the earth environment.

See letter for details
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

CO2 Removal and Solar Radiation Modification Strategies: Science, Governance and Consequences | NSF 23-151

Invites proposals for research on potential solutions and strategies that may ameliorate anthropogenic climate change.

See letter for details
Supplemental Funding
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Great American Solar Eclipses 2023 and 2024 | NSF 23-014

Invites proposals and supplemental funding requests to programs in NSF’s Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences and Division of Astronomical Sciences for science and outreach surrounding the 2023 and 2024 solar eclipses.

See letter for details
Continuing Grant

Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences Community Instruments and Facilities (AGS-CIF) | NSF 24-535

The intent of the Community Instruments and Facilities (CIF) solicitation is to provide the NSF-sponsored atmospheric sciences research community with access to specialized instrumentation for field and laboratory-based studies. The CIF solicitation requests proposals from instrument and facility providers who...
Standard Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Leveraging Cyberinfrastructure for Research Data Management (RDM) | NSF 24-085

Invites proposals for Early-Concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) and conference/workshop proposals that leverage cyberinfrastructure to advance research data management and public access.

See letter for details
Standard Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Innovations in Open Science (IOS) Planning Workshops | NSF 23-141

Invites workshop proposals focused on identifying critical needs for innovations in open science for data infrastructure that have the potential to significantly advance research in atmospheric and geospace sciences.

See letter for details
Dear Colleague Letter

Repurposing the Alaska Transportable Array to Support Observations of Arctic Environmental Change | NSF 19-048

Invites proposals to repurpose a subset of stations in the Alaska Transportable Array to support observations of long-term environmental change of the Arctic.

See letter for details
Supplemental Funding
Dear Colleague Letter

Geoscience Research Experiences for Post-Baccalaureate Students (GEO-REPS) Supplemental Funding Opportunity | NSF 22-072

Invites supplemental funding requests from active awardees of the Directorate for Geosciences to support research training for post-baccalaureate students who did not have access to these opportunities as undergraduates due to pandemic-related interruptions.

See letter for details