NSF hereby solicits proposals to manage and operate both of the NSF-owned faces of the Advanced Modular Incoherent Scatter Radar (AMISR) observatories that are located at Poker Flat, AK, and at Resolute Bay, Canada. These two observatories are managed and operated as a single facility which serves national goals in Geospace science research and education. These facilities are designated as Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR) and Resolute Bay Incoherent Scatter Radar - North Face (RISR-N), respectively.
Awardees will work closely with NSF and the Geospace scientific community to ensure that each AMISR observatory supports, sustains, and advances Geospace science. In cooperation with NSF and within available resources, the Awardees will plan and execute a viable, coherent, and inclusive observing program to support Geospace research and education. AMISR activities will be carried out with guidance and oversight from NSF and through a peer review process.
Proposals should describe how the managing institution(s) would: (1) provide observing capabilities and scientific data distribution centering on the use of each of the AMISR sites; (2) support the needs of NSF-funded, peer-reviewed research and education projects; (3) foster an integrated program of education, workforce development, and outreach; (4) develop, manage, and maintain the capabilities of the two unique sites; and (5) establish appropriate partnerships with the community, both national and international, to support AMISR research goals.
NSF anticipates that a successful proposal for management and operations (M&O) of the AMISR facility will be awarded as a single cooperative agreement (CA). As necessary, the Awardee will define and execute a budgeted, scheduled, and tracked project plan to manage any transition from the current to the proposed model of M&O. A cooperative agreement will have a duration of five years contingent on the availability of funds. Such an award would potentially be renewable for an additional five years after a successful outcome of a comprehensive review of the awardee's performance.
Program contacts
Name | Phone | Organization | |
Carrie E. Black
| | (703) 292-2426 | MPS/AST |