Supports fundamental research on the analysis, measurement, monitoring and control of dynamic systems.
Supports fundamental research on the analysis, measurement, monitoring and control of dynamic systems.
The Dynamics, Control and Systems Diagnostics (DCSD) program promotes the fundamental science and engineering of dynamic systems to advance solutions to urgent societal problems. Such problems include mitigating the impacts of climate change; responding to epidemics, cyber-attacks, extreme weather, and other natural and man-made events; promoting efficient and equitable production and distribution of resources; developing resilient infrastructure; improving the experience of work and learning; and meeting the challenges of aging and illness.
Recognizing that dynamic systems lie at the heart of current and emerging imperatives, the DCSD program invites proposals that match innovative research in dynamic systems with compelling applications. DCSD also welcomes research that demonstrates how these applications inform our understanding of dynamic systems, and how foundational knowledge must be further advanced to broaden the usefulness of dynamic systems approaches to new areas of application.
DCSD proposals should articulate clear Intellectual Merit through the advancement of knowledge in one of the following foundational areas:
- Modeling: mathematical frameworks for studying the behavior of dynamic systems.
- Analysis: theoretical and computational tools for discovery and exploration of structure in dynamic behavior.
- Diagnostics: data-based methods to infer properties of dynamic systems from observations.
- Control: methods to produce desired or mitigate undesired behaviors in dynamic systems.
- Integration: architectures that expand the reach of dynamic systems and overcome application-specific challenges.
Proposals should also clearly describe the intended Broader Impacts of the envisioned work, beyond the scientific merits of the proposal. NSF encourages flexibility and creativity in constructing activities to benefit society or advance desired societal outcomes. Activities seeking to achieve such benefits should be evidence-based, informed by best practices, and appropriately resourced. The DCSD program is committed to broadening access and inclusivity in the research community. Activities furthering this goal are encouraged.
To ensure that a project is appropriate for the DCSD program prior to the submission of a full proposal, principal investigators (PIs) are strongly encouraged to send a one-page draft Project Summary to following the format for proposal submission described in the NSF Proposals & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG). In preparing the draft Project Summary, PIs are encouraged to refer to and address the NSF Merit Review Principles and Merit Review Criteria described in the PAPPG, as these constitute the basis for evaluation upon submission of a proposal. PIs considering prospective projects to bring together diverse research perspectives are also encouraged to contact the DCSD Program Officers at to explore appropriate funding mechanisms.
Except for specific solicitations that may include upper or lower limits on a project budget, the DCSD program encourages PIs to request the right amount of financial support necessary and sufficient to achieve the scope of a project and to justify this accordingly.
Program contacts
PIs are encouraged to email the DCSD Program Directors a draft Project Summary following NSF format, prior to the submission of a full proposal to determine if the research topic aligns with the program portfolio.
Marcello Canova
| | (703) 292-2576 | ENG/CMMI |
Alena Talkachova
| | (703) 292-2949 | ENG/CMMI |
Yue Wang
| | (703) 292-4588 | ENG/CMMI |
Jordan M. Berg
| | (703) 292-5365 | ENG/CMMI |
Alexander Leonessa
| | (703) 292-2633 | ENG/CMMI |
Sandipan Mishra
| | (703) 292-5365 | ENG/CMMI |